Christmas is the time where people receive presents and cook cookies for Santa. Well I would have to say that this year, Christmas has been really different. Not getting really expensive stuff or everything I wanted on my list was not at all a disappointment. I simply got a gift that was priceless, getting to see my family and my best friend, dad. My family and father are one of a kind. From playing Apples to Apples at four in the morning or jamming out to rockband, we are the family everyone wishes they had. Not being about to see them for about 10 years, just killed. However it killed even more not being able to see my dad for 6 months. He is my best friend and the best of the best dads. Seeing him walk around these days is a miracle and a lifetime idol for me. To tell you the truth I am quite surprised my father is still around, no offense to ya dad. However, if I recall my dad, Thomas Foote Sr., barley survived from a cardiac arrest.(his heart stopped for 20 minutes!!!!) He also went through a very tough divorce; not that it was hard to leave but lets just say in simple words my monster in law was a huge bitch. Last but not least, my father rarely ever gets to see his own kids. This has to be a heart breaker for him and I still have not figured out how he does it. Getting to see my dad, who has basically went through 50 years of a lifetime in one year, was one of the best presents I could ever receive. Getting to see him be happy again and choose to not let the small things interfere with his life made me think how much a hero he is to me.
Okay, enough about my dad. Receiving this special gift may not tell you what kind of person I am, but if you think about it hard enough I am sure you can figure it out. I may not be one of those teenagers who cares about having a horseshoe on my ass or having the best of the best. I am simply a girl who just cares about her family and enjoys life as it comes. So just forget about having to have the best and most expensive stuff, because the only thing that matters is the relationship with your family. You never know when you might receive a surprise as great as mine!