wear your swim suit every day. walk around bare foot. jump off the pier. ride a tandem bike with your best friend. live at the beach. go kayaking. play golf off your roof. party till you get enough. kiss your cat back. dance in the middle of the street. wake up early to experience sunrise. sneak backstage at a concert. be adventurous. have an ice cream eating contest. eat a whole foot long at subway. have a cook out at the beach. plant a tree. be a bad ass and accept the consequences. shred the nar. take the ferry to downtown. find your summer love. do a lemonade stand. lax for lyf3. sneak out and don't get caught. sleep under the stars. give long hugs. chuckle a lot. be a true friend. go on a run. play hide n' seek with the cops. dream a lot but never sleep. pretend your Michael Jackson. have a tea party. wear a dress. drink gallons of sweet tea. blast country music from your house. have everyday be earth day. give a little. meet 5 strangers on one block. make the biggest sundae ever. believe. only worry about not having fun. wear socks with sandals. eat at claytons and put quaters in the juke box. go on Dr. pepper runs. cuddle. have courage. be different. surf with the dolphins. find your inner child. have a sword fight. box with your guy friends. try something new. climb a tree to new heights. pretend to be a dolphin in a pool. laugh until you cry. go with the flow. kiss someone new. listen to drake for one whole day. beach and sunglasses. sunburns. Aloe Vera. wake up feeling like p-diddy. talk in animal noises for a whole conversation. no shoes, no shirts, no problems. don't wear underwear. skateboard everywhere in town. living with sand in your room 24/7. handlebar others around town. deactivate facebook for a week. watch every harry potter movie in a day. volunteer. find a lost pet's home. play childhood games. email an old friend. experience the old days. play with sidewalk chalk. refresh. make up your own drink. go to a padres game. dress up and go out to diner. forget what school is. don't regret anything. learn from your mistakes. camp out in your courtyard. rekindle the love. you only live once. share this with one you love.
this is posted on the floor of the gazebo at Spreckles and a parking meter!!!
Ha! I love "Meet 5 strangers on one block" -- excellent. :)